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NOW PLAYING-Cheryl Crow-All I Wanna Do (is Have Some Fun) EDDY: I got a feelin' she ain't the ONLY one! -EDDY

EDDY: Boy oh boy, I aint looking at a daisy chain the same way again, mama! EDD: Heavens give me strength, am I the ONLY one on this cursed website save Rach who has a smidging of decency??
EDDY: I wouldnt bet on it, chief! That Rach's gotta mind like the backstage of an Aerosmith concert... Nothing's left to the imagination, man! he-he-he-he! Anyhoo, dis ain't about flossyhead, it's about That piece of Vegas Va-Va-Voom Daisy Twinkle And I tell ya, boys, she was all over yours truly like a chimp in a banana factory! he-he-he-he!
EDD:Wishful thinking again, I see! calamity seems to follow this teeny Vegas tornado wherever she goes! Angel-faced Daisy Twinkle from Viva Ed Vegas is the sassy little sister of contrastingly shy and considerate Melissa Twinkle and her offstandish and seemingly obstinate twin brother Travis. Her father's working-class Liverpool blood runs through her veins, making her inheritedly perceptive and weary of people around her. She was named after the street where her father was born in 1955...outside the Daisy pub on Daisy street in a Flower-seller's wagon...poignant, huh?

Tomboyish, brutal and cunning, Daisy believes EVERY night's alright for fighting, not just Saturday, laughing wickedly and whooping at the top of her lungs as she swings off Lee Kankers back parasitically in a scrap they have in the cafeteria following a climactic reunion between her, Melissa and old adversaries, the Kankers. She loves boxing and manga cartoons and her all-time hero is Bruce Lee...her heroine is Lily Savage...nuff said.
EDD: The one thing I share in view to Melissa's younger sibling is our skepticism in the afterlife. I want to believe, I really do, but the realist inside me won't accept the possibility of such a phenomenon without hard cold facts. I think Daisy is too freaked out by this and her philosophy is laugh off whatever you can't understand or deal with. You could say this is how she deals with her interaction with Eddy.Daisy-a November-born Scorpio with a proverbial poisonous tail- at first rejects and ridicules our resident jokester , a melodramatic and impetuous Leo who turned 13 that Summer. Eddy finds himself drawn like a magnet to Daisy's dry humour and talent, seduced by her elfin beauty as well as her teasing nature.
EDDY: I dunno, kid. She's so darn funny sometimes and its like i've known her all my life... but then she just changes! It's like sometimes she's a total other person! In a freaky way though That's what i dig about the girl...she keeps me on my toes, but then, the Edster does his fair share of check mate too, baybee! he-he-he!

EDD: Alrighty then, Eddy....whatever you say.... Daisy in return is reluctantly fascinated with Eddy's class clown persona and "cuteness-in-that-when-he-was-born-the-doctor-smacked-his-mom-way". Daisy takes nothing Eddy says seriously, but then, can you blame her?
EDDY:What's that supposed to mean, chafey? I'll have you know I'm qualified to Satisfy , and when it's required I deliver whats desired! And when she's requestin, Theis guy ain't a jestin! And when she gets frantic this ol' dog gets romantic! and whe-
EDD: Okay, okay, Eddy, we get the message! , Geez, I feel nauceous....
ED: I wish I had a uvula!
 EDD: Um...where was I...oh yes! At first Eddy treats Eddy just like one of the homies, laughing off his playful advances and ignoring his blatant admittance of how he feels about her...especially when she gives Kevin the ol' one-two-buckle-my-shoe at the playing fields. It isn't until she and Eddy are joked into kissing by Nazz and Melissa at a rehearsal for the Viva Ed Vegas show that Daisy finally confesses how she feels to her sister, and her total feeling of inferiority around Nazz, who Eddy enjoys nothing more than flirting with just to annoy her and provoke her Scorpian jealousy.

EDD:Daisy gets a kick out of hard-shelled soft-bellied Cancer-sign Ed, scrapping around with him and forming a sibling bond that Travis is too solitary and lacking in patience to establish with her. Like Eddy, Daisy has difficulty understanding me, What the astologists call a "nit-picking and perfectionist Virgo"...y'know, That's all a load of hooey, Eddy!,
EDDY: that's a shame..they say Virgos are great at...ur...he-he-ehe!! Um... ask Mel what Virgos are good at,Double Dee... see if she gives you her honest opinion...hehehehe!!
EDD: Um...You've lost me so I'll let that one slide Eddy...
EDDY: Yeah, you do that pal...:::snigger::Also like me daisy's a shameless flirt , attracting hopeless admirers from all corners of the Cul-De-Sac, including Rolf, Kevin and Plank!
EDD: Can Eddy tame this Disco Inferno of a girl? BR>EDDY: Oh puh-leeze!
