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NOW PLAYING...X-Files Theme...
His Brain Is Out There...Somewhere!-Eddy


Ed:GRAVY! Eddy where is the gravy?!?
I have been looking and I cannot find any gravy and now
I am starved to near-death as there is no gravy-

Eddy: (smacks Ed across the forehead) No, beandip! It's just a NAME!
Jeez, you're so gullible, ain't ya?

Ed:Buttered toast? Hello mom! Can you see me wave??? ((waves hand rapidly))

Edd: Ed...why don't you tell us about-

Ed:SHOCKORAMA! I am the cottonswab! Release the earwax, ear person! Can we
go to the planet of baconmen and have the marrow sucked from our bones?
If only I had brought my gravy-electronifiying particle gun and there would have
been plenty of internet gravy for everyone!

Edd:Messy messy messy!

Eddy: I've got plenty of internet gravy for that Rachel...miaow!!!


Sarah:Mom's gonna be so mad, Ed!

Eddy:How did the twirp get on here?!?

Edd: I'm too mortified to venture a guess, Eddy!

Sarah: So Ed...having a little girl-fest on here, are we??? Using mom's internet account for picking up ladies? Well not while I'm on this GravyTrain, bub! I think it needs a feminine touch around here!

Eddy: forget it,Sarah! Anyway, Rachel set this up for us, go n persecute her!

Sarah:There's other girls I can hang out with on here?!? Where is she?!? Hey Rach, Girlfriend!! Wanna come play with my dollies?!? I'll be back in 10 minutes, Ed...cos mom said I could!!!

Edd: siblings certainly are excruciating!

Ed:Kankers! Hide in here!!!

Eddy: So go on, Ed, what's the deal with May?!?

Ed: I'd rather cut off my nipples with a rusty breadknife...hur ha ha hur!

Eddy: Is THAT so??? (grin) then why is it that in every
episode that we're ambushed by those 3 you look pretty happy,
buddy? I mean, Me and Double D, we were all washed up in the "Avast Ye
Eds" episodes where they...broke us in gently-

Edd: Eddy, don't, I'm having terrible flashbacks...crawling ::starts twitching
insanely::...with their tentacles, oh i'm RELIVING it Eddy!!

Eddy: Can it, sockhead!! ::pulls hat over Edd's head to stifle him:: But you, pal, you
looked pretty darn happy with that cheshire cat grin you had! So go on,
lumpy, quit the guessing game...are yers or aren't yers???....um...Ed...? ::looks out of a huge gaping Ed-shaped hole in the wall::

Ed: I am an Elephant! I have flown south for the winter!

ED: Tangy Yet Mellow!

EDD: Ed demonstrates how easy i is to misinterpret
the phrase "fast food"-gag!


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