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NOW PLAYING-Cockey Rebels-MAKE ME SMILE-and that's exactly what she does!-EDD

EDD: intelligent, perceptive, courageous and
downright beautiful,
Just a few of the many reasons
I fell in love with Megan Hildebrant. We meet her in Axey's Hopelessly Devot-ED, a
story of observation and a youngwoman on
the verge, fiery in determination like her lovely copper hair.
EvenEddy admits she's cute, even though they conflit strongly from the start!


Megan seems to READ people at times. She susses Eddy out almost staight away, resulting in her
not liking him that much. She also has no fear of the Kankers whn they rub elbows,
seeing their need for acceptance
through their tough exterior. She finds their threatening technique amusing, and laughs out loud at the ridiculousness of them and people like them.
Megan helps me realise that the thngs in
this world set out to scare you
are sometimes the thingsyou should find the most comical..like first kisses, for example...


Megan loves learning, as I do. I know I'm
falling for her when our infatuation for insects
and the anhropods in american foliage
cause us to intecept eachother at many turns.
Eddy seems to be more ethused at

our growing aquaintance than I am at times and
it isn't long before my dodgeful of art friend
makes plans to use my increasing affections for Megan
to his own ends. Eddy asks me to put my loyalties to them to the test
When he backs me into snatching her study journal for anupcoming test!
What do I do? Do I go the underhanded route and
risk spoilingmy chances withMeg?
Or do I stop in thenameof loveand tellEddy to hit theroad, so to speak? I guess you're gonna have to read "hopelessly Devot-ED to find out!

<BGSOUND SRC="music/makemesmile.mid" LOOP="-1">