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Eddy:Please let there be a breeze, please let there be a breeze!
Ed: I saw this movie!
Eddy: Man, for a total wallflower you don't half know how to bag the chips, Double Dee! I'm feelin' pretty ripe right about now!
Edd: ((PANT!!))...w-w-what was that Eddy? ((whimper)) I apologise, I'm not too sure what come over me ...Melissa's paradoxical nudity must have caused me to ... ...um, temporarily lose focus on reality! PIC BY RACH
Eddy: I know what you GAINED focus on though, buddy! he-he-he-he-he! If she didn't know her butt from her belly for falling for you and her sister wasn't all over me like a chimp in a banana factory Id've been in like Flint, mon amigo-GROWL!!!

Edd:wishful thinking again, I see! (grin) This is the breathtakingly beautiful Melissa Twinkle from Rachel's fanfic "Viva Ed Vegas" . Apart from the fact she is clearly very attractive, I found myself drawn to her mainly because she is very intelligent and observing, always on the lookout for the trouble her younger sister (who believe me, folks, was NOT all over Eddy like a chimp in a banana factory... um...quite the reverse, actually!) inevitably gets herself into. she also bears a painfully deep sensitive side which comes out in her poetry and her interaction with us and the kids from the cul-de-sac, from where she lives about 2 blocks away in the huge Pineapple Place estate, owned by her Liverpool-born grandmother. I literally could listen to her and her siblings talk all day. They tend to slip into a Scouse/Vegas dialect every now and then and in Melissa's case, it's extremely cute ^.^
Melissa In suit pic by Rach
Edd:Melissa and her family at times seem to personify everything Vegas, and from the City of Gold they bring a disturbing past."Viva Ed Vegas" has a surreal aura from the very start, opening with Rolf having a strange psychic episode. Very strange coincidences and feelings of de-ja-vu find their way among the residents of our fine Cul-De-Sac whenever they are around Melissa, especially Sarah who, much to our dismay, is extremely jealous of our visitor...
EDDY: OOOOOOH, I wonder why THAT could be, hmmm? Hey, Sockhead? Given Sarah any horsies lately??? ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!
Edd:har-har-har, I think i'm getting a hernia from laughing so much at your impeccable humour, Eddy...hmm...
One truly frightening event that takes place for Melissa is her reunion with old enemies from Paris Hilton High School, the Kanker Sisters. As the story progresses , Melissa reveals a tragic life of superficial glamour, rivalry and persecution. Don't write all the Kankers off as bad guys (or girls) though, as May has yet to prove she isn't all dark-cloak and dagger! Melissa has alot of compassion for Ed, developing a sort of motherly bond with him and throughout the story they strive to bail eachother out of sticky situations. Eddy at first cannot take to her, and conflict is rife as the new girl tries desperately to settle in. She quickly becomes good friends with the popular girl in our neighbourhood, Nazz, who is footswept by Melissa's down-to-earth glamour. Melissa with help from twin brother Travis shows Nazz what it means to have true friends, and Nazz learns alot about herself by befriending Melissa.To qoute Kevin, Melissa is in most of the cul-de-sac kid's view "All that and a bag of jawbreakers, baby! " (yes, that includes me ::sigh::)
 Melissa, or Mel as her buddies call her has a love/hate relationship with her twin, Travis,who she is in more ways then one the polar opposite to. however,It seems more than coincidental when they pass predictions on one-another's love-lives. Unfortunately for me, I'm far from alone in Missy Twinkle's ranks of admirers...and believe you me, the road to romance is a bumpy one indeed!
PIC OF EDD n MEL by Rach (Eddy-Altogether now....sap!)