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MADONNA:THE POWER OF GOODBYE-Couldnt've put it better myself, baybee!-EDDY (Sequencer Unknown)

Eddy: *through clenched teeth* Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in...
Edd: Simmer down, Eddy. Allow me introduce you to Skyler from Galaxia's
second fanfic, "Two-Faced Ed". His real name is Roger Skyler Madison, but everyone
calls him by his middle name. Not much of his past life is made known, but he's
15 years old from Woodside Pines, which is the next town over from our fair Peach
Creek Cul-De-Sac. Like Jamie, Skyler is the lead singer in a local band called The
Hi-Lites. His hobbies include writing music, collecting stamps, and volunteering
at the local nursing home.
Eddy: YAWN! What a feeb! What kind of a name is "Skyler" anyway? If you ask me,
it's stupid!
Edd: I'm not even through with the first part of the biography and Eddy's already
Eddy: I have a right to complain, Sockhead! This guy practically ruined MY life well
as Jamie's, of course! I can't stand for that! Man, if I ever get my hands on Skyler, boy
will HE be sorry!
Edd: I'm sure he's really terrified right now, Eddy.
Eddy: On the other hand, I always LOVE to get my hands on Jamie...he-he-he!
Edd: EDDY!
Eddy: What?
Edd: *sigh* May I please continue this biography?
Eddy: Hang on to your neck, Double-Dee! I gotta ask Burhead something! Ed, how come you
never knew about this piece of trash?
Ed: I forget which day it is, Eddy!
Eddy: Nevermind! Go on, Double-Dee - bore us even more with this hack's bio!

Edd: *sigh* Moving right along, in "Two-Faced Ed", it is revealed that
Jamie met Skyler in junior high. Then it was time for them to go their
seperate ways, as Jamie went to Woodside Pines High and Skyler went
to a private high school. However, they were still going out-
Eddy: Unfortunately!
Edd: Ed, please stop Eddy from cutting me off!
Ed: I forget what we're doing, Double-Dee!
Edd: wasn't until 10th grade when things started to go awry for Jamie
and Skyler. He cheated on Jamie with Melanie, one of Jamie's best friends
since first grade. Jamie decided that it would be best that they go
their seperate ways, permanently!
Eddy: Good on ya, Jamie! Kick Mister Goody-Two Shoes to the curb and get wit the
Peach Creek Love Machine, baybee!
Edd: Eddy, please...the real blow came when Jamie's band and Skyler's band
were in a head-to-head competition in a Battle of The Bands contest at Jamie's
high school, and the winner got a record contract. Naturally, due to some
"faulty wiring", Skyler's band got eliminated from the contest. But that's just
the tip of the iceberg for our fair spike-haired fellow...
Eddy: Now it's getting interesting! I LOVE hearing this next part, hahahaha!!!
Edd: Skyler got diagnosed with some sort of illness and had to go to the hospital, and-
Eddy: Yee-haa! My prayers have been answered! It serves him right for playin' around
with MY girlie!
Edd: I cannot believe how selfish you can be, Eddy! How can you possibly find joy
in someone else's pain?
Eddy: That's waaay too easy, Sockhead! Besides, someone had to pick up
the pieces - who better to do that than myself, of course! He-he-he!
Edd: Selfish, selfish, selfish! Skyler found some solace from none other than Jamie, who
had tried to forget about him ever since their nasty break-up.
Eddy: I wish she did forget about him, y'know...
Ed: I'm hungry!
Edd: Will Jamie return to Skyler, leaving our arrogant friend heartbroken? Or will Jamie
brush Skyler off once again?
Eddy: Oh come OFF it, Double-Dee! We all know the answers to that - isn't it obvious?
Ed: underwears riding high, guys!
Edd: To find out the answers to these questions and many more, read Galaxia's
"Two-Faced Ed" - you'll be glad you did!
Eddy: Just skip all those parts about Mister Brown-Nose and it's one smooooth ride
through, babe!
Ed: Keep on truckin'!
Edd: Oh, brother...
